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2023 UQ Tennis Club Annual Championships

Do you want something a bit more challenging than playing the one-set matches used in Fixtures and the Club's participation-style tournaments?

Then you should be entering the Annual Club Championships which will be played over three weekends in September 2-3, 9-10 & 16-17 September).

Where possible, the Open & B Grade Singles & Doubles events will be played on 2-3 September, all Mixed Doubles events will be played on 9-10 September and the A Grade & C Grade Singles & Doubles events will be played on 16-17 September.  However, the Committee reserves the right to play an event on all days if it deems that entry numbers and weather conditions would make it impracticable to complete the event in the 2 days specified.

Although it is a knock-out tournament, the Club Championships offer events at 4 levels to cater for players of all standards
Open - top level (open to all players)
A Grade - open to players equiv. to or lower level than Men UTR 7.5 & Women UTR 6.5 (i.e. approx. UQTC Fixtures A2 Grade, UQTC Social low Red)
B Grade - open to players equiv, to or lower level than Men UTR 6.5 & Women UTR 5.5 (i.e. approx. UQTC Fixtures B1 Grade, UQTC Social Yellow)
C Grade - open to players equiv. to or lower level than Men UTR 4.5 & Women UTR 3.5 (i.e. approx. UQTC Fixtures C1 Grade, UQTC Social Green)

Players should check their UTRs before entering.  Some players are lodging entries for events that they are not eligible to play.

Matches for all events will be the best-of-two tie-break sets (with a 10-point match-deciding tie-break if the score reaches 1 set all).

N.B. Playeres have to make a bigger time commitment to play in this tournament.  Because matches are best-of-two sets, it is obviously not possible to play each event in a single morning or a single afternoon as in other club tournaments.  Players can be drawn at any time on the specified days.

Entries close on Sunday, 27 August. 

Entry is restricted to Ordinary, Associate and Junior Members of the UQ Tennis Club.  Players who have been given free Restricted Membership are not eligible for this tournament.

Entry forms are available under the Clubhouse or can be downloaded here.

Entries can be lodged on-line using the Tennis Australia Tournaments Website here.  

Note: When players go to enter on-line, they are asked to log-in using their Tennis Australia Competitive Player Profile log-in.  Players can check if they have a Tennis ID & Competitive Player Profile or they can create a Competitive Player Profile & Tennis ID & UTR link by going to:

Anybody who has a problem logging in, or entering events once logged in, should contact Tennis Australia via or Ph 1800 752 983.