The best option for players wanting a regular competitive game is to sign up for a season of Team...

Privacy Policy

Although non-profit organisations like The University of Queensland Tennis Club Inc. (UQ Tennis Club) are not covered by the private sector provisions of the Privacy Act 1988, the UQ Tennis Club is committed to the National Privacy Principles.

Information collected by the UQ Tennis Club includes name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, sex, date of birth, previous Tennis experience and tertiary education qualifications.  This information is required for identification purposes, for the conduct of competitions and for the determination of membership categories.  The provision of personal information is voluntary; but, if the requested information is not provided, the UQ Tennis Club cannot guarantee the provision of services or timely information relating to such services.

In accordance with the National Privacy Principles, our members' private information will be made available to them upon request.

Unless a written direction to the contrary is received, such contact information as is deemed necessary for the conduct of competitions will be made available to other members (e.g. name and phone numbers) and the competition organizing body.

The UQ Tennis Club will provide such personal information about its members to Tennis Australia & Tennis Queensland, other Tennis bodies such as the Brisbane Night Tennis Association Inc. (BNTA) and UQ Sport Ltd - as is required as a condition of affiliation with these bodies.  Details of the privacy policies of these organizations are available on their websites:
Tennis Australia
UQ Sport  

To facilitate the promotion of the game of Tennis, the UQ Tennis Club may share contact information about its members with other Tennis bodies provided those bodies have adopted appropriate privacy policies.

Except for the above instances, the UQ Tennis Club does not provide member's private information to third parties without their consent unless:

  • required by law.
  • we believe it necessary to provide you with a service that you have requested.
  • to protect the rights or property of the UQ Tennis Club or any member of the public.
  • to reduce a threat to a person's health or safety.

The UQ Tennis Club does not collect or hold sensitive information about its members.

The UQ Tennis Club will send you information about Tennis, Tennis-related activities, UQ Sport and university sport by post and e-mail.

The UQ Tennis Club will not send you other advertising material without first asking you whether you wish to receive such promotional information.  If you are receiving such promotional information from the UQ Tennis Club and do not wish to receive such information any longer, you may remove your name from our contact lists by informing us in writing or by e-mail.  Please allow seven days for this request to be processed.

The UQ Tennis Club will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep secure any information which we hold about our members, and to keep this information accurate and up to date. Your information is stored in secure environments.  In addition, our employees and volunteer workers who provide services for us are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by the UQ Tennis Club.  However, the UQ Tennis Club will not be held responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to your personal information.

From time to time our policies will be reviewed and may be revised.  The UQ Tennis Club reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time and notify members by posting an updated version of the policy on its website (

For more information about privacy issues in Australia and protecting your privacy, visit the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner's website (

Privacy Policy