The best option for players wanting a regular competitive game is to sign up for a season of Team...

Practice Sessions

Improve your game

URGENT NOTICE: Although there was a great start to Tennis Practice for 2025 on 29 January with over 50 players attending, Tennis Practice is now cancelled for at least a month with no restart date able to be determined. From next Tuesday, 4 February, all 17 courts involved in the court lighting installation project will be closed for night play for the duration of the project.  If the project runs to schedule, the new lights will be installed by 3 March.

What is provided?

Balls, courts and a program designed to help you improve your skills. The program may use ball machines.

What will I practice?
Drills will be run on different courts, covering all aspects of the game including backhand, forehand, volley, serve and overhead.

What is the cost?
$8 for Ordinary, Associate & Junior Members of the UQ Tennis Club.
$12 for all others (including Restricted Members of the UQ Tennis Club)


Unfortunately, parking is not free on the UQ St Lucia Campus on weekday nights.
Parking Fees apply from Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.  Heavy fines apply for parking in a designated parking area from Monday to Friday without the appropriate payment or parking, at any time, in an area not designated for parking (e.g. on yellow lines).  UQ now uses an electronic PAYG parking system called CellOPark which eliminates the use of paper tickets.  Register on-line or download the free smartphone app. from  Payment can also be made by coins or credit card using ‘Pay by Plate Machines’.  However, there are a limited number of these machines.  Along Sir William Macgregor Drive (Blue Zone, $5/day), they are located near the Rowing Shed, near the old CityCat Terminal (opposite the Tennis Courts) and opposite the Swimming Pool.  Along Blair Drive (Red Zone, $2.50/hr) they are located opposite the Swimming Pool and next to the Beach Volleyball Courts.  There are also some ’Pay by Plate Machines’ in the car parks next to the Aquatic Centre and under the UQ Centre (Red Zones, $2.50/hr) and in the car park next to the UQ Centre under the Synthetic Playing Fields (Grey Zone, $2.50/hr but capped at $7/day).  Staff, students and visitors are able to purchase an Off-Peak - St Lucia - Prepaid vPermit which is valid in all casual parking zones from 3:45 p.m. to 8 a.m. and is the cheapest option for regular players at night.  For more information about parking or to apply for an Off-Peak vPermit, go to

Do I have to pre-register?
No. Just check in upstairs on the clubhouse verandah.

What Time is Practice?

Practice runs from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday nights.

Can I come late or leave early? 

Yes, but the cost will still be $8 (members) or $12 (non-members).

Will coaching be provided?
There will be no specific coaching sessions, but the coaches will be be able to give tips and advice. The UQ Tennis Centre Pro Shop has some great private and group coaching programs (Phone 3365 6933, E-mail

The aim of this program is to put into practice what you have learnt from coaching.

Why come along?

It’s a chance to work on that shot that has always troubled you or regain some confidence after a lay-off. This is a great opportunity to experiment and challenge yourself to become a better player without the pressure of playing Fixtures.




Practice Sessions