The best option for players wanting a regular competitive game is to sign up for a season of Team...

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions regarding anything to do with the Club or fixtures, use the Suggestion Box or e-mail us at

Can I call a foot fault?

The only person that can call a foot fault is an umpire. Even then, it is recommended that a couple of warnings be given before an actual fault is called. It is not the prerogative of the opposing team to be able to call them. If there is no umpire and it is quite apparent that an opposing player is significantly over-stepping the line, then it is best that you politely point it out, as the person probably isn't even aware of it.

What happens if I am interfered during a rally?

If an off-court incident causes a distraction (for example, a ball rolls on from an adjacent court, or a bird lands on the net), you must stop the rally immediately and call a let. A let cannot be called if the rally has finished, or if there was absolutely no possibility of a player returning a winning shot. Please be honest, and suggest a let only if there was a genuine distraction.

Can we keep playing beyond the designated finish time?

No. The rules state that fixture play must stop at the designated time (e.g. 10:30pm for Wed threes). This rule has been ignored by many players in the past and has caused unnecessary arguments between teams. If a game is in progress at the allocated finish time the game must be completed, but play must cease immediately afterwards and a result finalised regardless of the status of the match. This includes matches where the requisite number of sets have not been completed, matches that are nearly finished, and matches that are evenly placed.

Some people may tell you that they always play beyond the finish time, but they are not supposed to. It is unfair for other teams that do finish on time, and quarrels can develop especially when the match result is very close. Remember, a team may miss out on a semi-finals place because one team insisted on scoring a "few extra games" when they shouldn't have.

To avoid this situation, be sure to remind the opposing team at the start of the night what the rules are and that you intend to stick to them.

Can I use fill-ins for my team?

Yes, you can use fill-ins (or emergency players) for any fixtures home or away match, but there are a few rules to follow. A fill-in cannot be a registered player from a team in a higher grade - they must come from a lower grade. Also, you cannot use a fill-in for a semi-final or final unless they have played at least three matches during the regular season, and have registered in the fixtures.

It is also required that all results cards submitted be accompanied by $1 for each fill-in used. This assists towards the extra administration costs incurred.

What happens if the opposition arrives late?

If a team cannot put a player on the court within 15 minutes of the start of a match, then the first set is forfeited to the present team. For every 5 minutes after that, the present team can continue to claim forfeits for each subsequent set. Also, if a player is not ready to commence a set within 5 minutes of the completion of the previous set, than a forfeit can likewise be claimed for that set.

Can I challenge my grading?

Please don't. Our grading sessions are designed to gain an idea of your ability on the court, and to approximately place you in the correct grade. It is impossible to change your grade once the teams are finalised. To do that, we would have to kick someone else out, and that's not fair. If you feel that you have been placed too low, then prove your ability on the court and we'll adjust your grading accordingly the following season.

But my team did poorly this season, yet I won all my singles. How can I move up in grading?

We are introducing a system where all individual results are recorded, that way we can see at a glance who is performing above their standard. We realise that a team's performance may not reflect on one person's standard and are happy to place you in a higher grade the next season if appropriate.

Having said this, we are not a statistics provider, so please don't ask us for a comprehensive break-down of your personal stats. We simply cannot do that. The records are purely for keeping track of our gradings.

Shouldn't the fixture times be longer? We never finish a match.

If you have particularly long sets, it is inevitable that matches will not be completed on time. However, the biggest cause of lengthy play is delay between points and between sets. Over half the time on court is spent picking up balls or waiting for the opponent. Try to move quickly between points and when moving between sets. Ask someone to be ball-person for a singles match. Most of all, do not spend too long hitting up. Some people have been known to hit-up for fifteen minutes per set, and this is far too long. That's 45 minutes already lost if there are three singles sets on. A five minute hit-up is recommended.