Along with all the other UQ sporting clubs and UQSU clubs & societies, the UQ Tennis Club will...
Unfortunately, Tennis Practice has been postponed for at least a month.

Management Committee 2023-2024

The Club's Management Committee is elected at the Elections General Meeting (usually held in October/November) and serves for one year.

The current Committee will serve from 12 November 2023 until the conclusion of the EGM to be held in November 2024.

President (1) Ashley Wilkinson (Ordinary Member)
Vice-Presidents (2) Troy Smith (Ordinary Member)
Rebecca Warner (Associate Member)
Honorary Secretary (1) Doug Bergman (Hon. Life Member)
Honorary Treasurer (1) Alex Levchenko (Associate Member)
Executive Officers (8)

Mia Christopher (Ordinary Member)
Ethan Gunn (Ordinary Member)
Sylvain Hohn (Associate Member)
Andrew MacDonald (Associate Member)
Colin Prince (Associate Member)
Peter Sallans (Associate Member)
Nicole Steemson (Ordinary Member)
Ken Thams (Ordinary Member)
Gabby Torbey (Associate Member)
Grace Vang (Ordinary Member)

Immediate Past President (1)

Hank Szeto (Ordinary Member)

Management Committee 2023-2024