Eligibility: Entry restricted to Ordinary, Associate, Junior & Hon. Life Members of the UQ Tennis Club. Restricted Members and non-members are not eligible to play in this tournament.
Levels: Events at 4 levels to cater for players of all standards.
Open: Top level A Grade: Equiv. to or lower than Men UTR 7.5 & Women UTR 6.5 (approx. UQTC Fixtures A2, UQ Social low Red) B Grade: Equiv. to or lower than Men UTR 6.5 & Women UTR 5.5 (approx. UQTC Fixtures B1, UQ Social Yellow) C Grade: Equiv. to or lower than Men UTR 4.5 & Women UTR 3.5 (approx. UQTC Fixtures C, UQ Social Green & Blue)
Playing Schedule: Where possible, events will be played on the following days but the Committee reserves the right to play an event on all days if it deems that entry numbers and weather conditions would make it impracticable to complete the event in the 2 days specified
2-3 September - Open & B Grade Men's Singles, Ladies' Singles, Men's Doubles & Ladies' Doubles
9-10 September - Open, A Grade, B Grade & C Grade Mixed Doubles
16-17 September - A Grade & C Grade Men's Singles, Ladies' Singles, Men's Doubles & Ladies' Doubles
Format: Knock-Out tournament (players are eliminated when they lose).
Note: When players go to enter on-line, they are asked to log-in using their Tennis Australia Competitive Player Profile log-in. Players can check if they have a Tennis ID & Competitive Player Profile or they can create a Competitive Player Profile & Tennis ID & UTR link by going to: