The UQ Tennis Club is trialling a new Ladies’ Tennis Program.
The UQ Tennis Club’s major event each year is the University Open Tennis Championships which, in...

31 March 2018 Newsletter

Check out the 31 March issue of UQ Tennis News here to see what is happening in the Club.

2018 Intervarsity Tennis

In 2018, Australian University Sport (AUS) will be launching a new Australian Universities Nationals competition to replace the old Australian University Games (AUG).

2018 Autumn Night Tournament Series

The UQ Tennis Club's 2018 Tournament Program continues with the Awesome Autumn Night Tournament Series.

Tennis Olympics


19 Feb 2018 Newsletter

Check out the 19 February issue of UQ Tennis News here to see what is happening in the Club.

2018 First Semester Tennis Fixtures

The best option for people wanting to play regular competitive Tennis is to sign on for Fixtures (graded weekly teams competition).

2018 Fastennis Singles Tournament

The 2018 Fastennis Singles Challenge Tournament will be played on Sunday morning, 4 March, starting at 8 a.m.