The Sun is out. Just have to squeegee and we're away. Hope to see you at Sunday Social tennis today.
Thursday Night Social Tennis runs from 7pm to 10:30pm.In 2013, Thursday Social will cost $13/night for UQ Tennis Club Members & BNTA Members or $17/night for all others.
It's back, better than ever. After being out of action for several months because it was being completely rebuilt, the Centre Court re-opened on Thursday, 22 November.
After a short break for the University Open Championships, Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis at the UQ Tennis Club resumes this Sunday (29 July).
There will be no Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis on 8, 15 & 22 July because of the University Open Tennis Championships which will be played at the UQ S
The courts are dry for Sunday Social Tennis today. Come on down for a hit.
Thursday night Social Tennis will run as normal this week the 26th Jan. See you all there for Australia Day!!
After its break for Christmas & the New Year and the UQ Age Championships, Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis (2 p.m. to 6 p.m.) resumes this Sunday (15 January).
Social tennis starts again in 2012.
The Club's Christmas Party will be held on Sunday 4 December, starting at 6 p.m., following the final Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis session for the year.