Because of the major tournaments being played at the UQ Tennis Centre during July (Queensland Junior Championships and University Open Championships), there will be no Sunday Afternoon Social Tenni
Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis switches from the 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. timeslot to the 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. timeslot from this Sunday, 4 April.
Christmas break
Sunday afternoon Social Tennis will finish on 6 December
Tuesday night Practice Sessions will finish on 8 December
Thursday nght Social tennis will finish on 17 December
After the Christmas break:
Sunday Social Tennis will resume on 3 January
Tuesday Night practice Sessions will resume on 5 January
Thursday Night Social Tennis will resume on 7 January
There will be no Sunday Afternoon on 13 December 2009, 20 December 2009 and 27 December 2009 because of the Queensland Junior Teams Carnival and a short Christmas break.Sunday Social Tennis will resume in 2010 on 3 January.
There will be no Social Tennis over the next 3 weekends (18-19 July, 25-26 July & 1-2 August) because of the University Open Tennis Championships.
Unfortunately due to the rain, Sunday Social Tennis has been canceled today.
Hope you have a fantastic New Year and we'll see you for the next Sunday Social Tennis on 4th January 2015
The Club's Christmas Party will be held after the final Sunday afternoon of Social Tennis for the year. Come for loads of free delicious Christmas fare.
Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis resumes this Sunday (10 August) after a break for the University Open Tennis Championships
Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis runs from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis runs in the 2–6pm timeslot from October to March and runs in the 1–5pm timeslot from April to September.
Weather is perfect and there's no traffic from the run this morning. So come down for a hit of Social Tennis.