Due to the massive flood damage at the UQ Tennis Centre, all of the UQ Tennis Club's Social Tennis programs, Tournament programs, Fixtures and Practice Sessions are currently suspended.
Summer Fixtures starts the week of 6 December 2010 and finishes the week of 28 Feb 2011. The UQ Tennis Club enters teams in the Brisbane-wide Fixtures conducted by the Brisbane Night Tennis Association Inc. (BNTA). Matches in BNTA competitions are played throughout Brisbane although, in some grades, many ‘away’ matches may be played at University because of the large number of UQ teams. All UQ teams will have a Home court at University. Fixture completion dates listed are approximate only. BNTA Fixtures have a two-week break for Xmas but do not break for UQ Summer Semester examinations.
More information about 2010/2011 Summer Fixtures.
Posted Mon, 26/10/2009 - 11:30am
3 Tournaments - 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.mSaturday 10 October - Mixed Doubles Saturday 24 October - Men’s Singles & Ladies’ Singles Saturday 14 November - Men’s Doubles & Ladies’ DoublesLevelsOpen: Open to all levelsA GradeB GradeC GradeEntries close: Thursday before each tournament.Entries can be lodged on-line at http://tournaments.tennis.com.au. N.B. If an e-mail address is supplied, receipt of entry will be confirmed (by Friday before each event).