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Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis Restarting

After a short break for Christmas and the New Year, Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis is restarting on Sunday, 5 January.

Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis (2 p.m. to 6 p.m.) is one the Club’s most popular non-competitive Tennis programs.

Social Tennis is a great way to have a game in a relaxed and friendly environment without the pressure or commitment of Fixtures and Tournaments.  Because of the high numbers, all Social Tennis matches are doubles.  In 2025, Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis will run every Sunday from 5 January up to 14 December (except for a few Sundays when major tournaments are being played at UQ).  

Between matches at Social Tennis, players can relax on the Clubhouse verandah with a cold drink from The Smash Bar or a free tea or coffee, watch sport on TV or have a game of table tennis or snooker.

There is no pre-registering for Social Tennis or Practice.  Just turn up on the day or night and check in upstairs on the Clubhouse verandah. 

For Ordinary Members, Associate Members & Junior Members, Social Tennis costs $12 each afternoon.  For non-members and Restricted Members, the cost is $18.  Only EFTPOS payments accepted

For more information about Social Tennis, go to:

To speed up checking in at Social Tennis, players should grab their player tag from the white board and hand it to the organizers when paying.  New players will need to fill in a Player Information Form (on-line form accessed with a QR code or use the printed form).

To speed up matches, Social Tennis uses Short Deuces (sudden-death game point played on second deuce) and hit-ups are limited to a maximum of 3 minutes before first match.

N.B. While Social Tennis caters for high to low level players, it is not suitable for absolute beginners as it is not a teaching program.  People wanting to learn how to play Tennis should attend some coaching classes such as the Adult Group Coaching Beginner Course run by the UQ Sport Tennis Centre (  Players doing coaching courses would benefit from attending the Tennis Club's Wednesday Night Tennis Practice program.  Players should not attend Social Tennis until they have mastered the basic shots, can sustain a rally, know the basic rules and understand the scoring system.