The removal of 11 light poles at the UQ Tennis Centre, for safety reasons, has disrupted all of the UQ Tennis Club's night tennis programs. Although some temporary lighting has been installed, the Centre is only partially functional.
The situation for each program is as follows:
Tuesday Night Practice Sessions
The Practice Sessions are up and running again every Tuesday night from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Internal fixtures
The UQTC Monday Night Fixtures and UQTC Thursday Night Fixtures are going ahead but teams have been allocated new Home courts (revised draws are available on the respective fixtures' pages). Because of the delayed start, the Monday Night competition will finish a week later than originally scheduled.
Unfortunately, there are not enough floodlit courts to run Thursday Night Social Tennis until the UQTC Thursday Night Fixtures finish. Unless the new light poles are installed sooner than expected, Thursday Night Social Tennis will not resume until 28 October.
Club Night Tournaments
All of the Club’s night tournaments are going ahead but the tournaments will have to be played on a maximum of 15 courts instead of the usual 21.