The UQ Tennis Club is trialling a new Ladies’ Tennis Program.
The UQ Tennis Club’s major event each year is the University Open Tennis Championships which, in...

Easter Sunday Social Tennis

Although the latest Brisbane Lockdown has ended, there will be no Social Tennis tonight (Thursday, 1 April) as the UQ Sport Tennis Centre will not be re-opening until Saturday, 3 April.

 Social Tennis will be on this Easter Sunday, 4 April (2 to 6 p.m.).

 There is a good chance the Easter Bunny will have dropped by before Social Tennis on Sunday to leave some gifts.  There will also be some lucky draws during the afternoon for, no surprise, Easter eggs.

Although the lockdown has ended, there are still some restrictions in place.  You must carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave home and you must wear a mask in indoor spaces.  It is strongly recommended that a mask should be worn when outdoors if maintaining 1.5m physical distancing is difficult.  You do not need to wear a mask when playing Tennis nor when sitting on the clubhouse verandah as this is classed as an outdoor space.  Players must maintain 1.5m physical separation when standing in line on the verandah to check in. 

To speed up checking in for Social Tennis, do your electronic contact tracing check-in before you get to the check-in desk (use the six QR code posters on display), show the check-in confirmation to the organizers and have your card or smartphone/watch ready to tap for payment.  

No pre-booking is required for Social Tennis.  Just turn up and check in upstairs on the Clubhouse verandah.  Social Tennis costs $10 for members or $15 for non-members. For more information about Social Tennis, go to