The UQ Tennis Club is trialling a new Ladies’ Tennis Program.
The UQ Tennis Club’s major event each year is the University Open Tennis Championships which, in...

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of The University of Queensland Tennis Club Inc (UQ Tennis Club) will be held in the Clubhouse on Sunday, 19 May, at 5 p.m. 

The AGM must be held for the UQ Tennis Club to continue to operate.  Therefore, it is essential that enough voting members attend for a quorum to be achieved.

The agenda for the AGM is:

1.   Chair opens meeting

2.   Apologies

3.   Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

4.   Business arising out of the previous AGM minutes

5.   President's Annual Report for 2023

6.   Treasurer’s Report & Auditor’s Report for 2023

7.   Motion on Notice

8.   Election of Hon. Auditor

9.   Public Liability Insurance Status Report

10. General Business

11. Close

The Club Constitution & By-Laws can be found here.

All Ordinary Members, Associate Members, Junior Members & Hon. Life Members are able to attend the AGM but only Ordinary & Hon. Life Members have voting rights and count towards the quorum.  Restricted Members are not eligible to attend general meetings.