The UQ Tennis Club is trialling a new Ladies’ Tennis Program.
The UQ Tennis Club’s major event each year is the University Open Tennis Championships which, in...

2022 Club Committee Elections

The 2022 Elections General Meeting of The University of Queensland Tennis Club Inc. will be held at 6 p.m. on Sunday, 6 November, 2022 in the Tennis Pavilion, Blair Drive, UQ St Lucia Campus.

Ordinary, Associate, Junior & Hon. Life Members are able to attend the AGM but only Ordinary Members & Hon. Life Members have voting rights.

The election of the Club's Management Committee (to serve from the consclusion of the 2022 Elections General Meeting to the conclusion of the 2023 Elections General Meeting) will be held at this meeting.  Other business to be dealt with includes the receipt of the President's Half-Year Report and consideration of any motions on notice.

The Club's Management Committee consists of 1 President, 2 Vice-Presidents, 1 Hon. Secretary, 1 Hon. Treasurer and 10 Executive Officers.

Nominations for election to the Management Committee must be lodged by 5 p.m. on Monday, 17 October, 2022.

Nominations forms are available from the Club Office.  The nomination form can also be downloaded from the Club Website here.

Ordinary, Associate & Hon. Life Members are eligible for election to the Management Committee but only Ordinary & Hon. Life Members are eligible to propose or second nominations and to vote in the elections.

17 October is also the deadline for any notices of business, motions or special resolutions to be included in the agenda for the meeting.