2023 (52nd) University of Queensland Open Tennis Championships
2023 University Open Sponsors & Supporters:
Venue: UQ Sport Tennis Centre, Blair Drive, St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Conducted by: The University of Queensland Tennis Club Inc. (UQ Tennis Club)
Eligibility: Open to all players registered with Tennis Queensland / Tennis Australia. All players must have a Tennis Austrlalia Competitive Player Profile and Tennis ID (11-digit number starting with '66'). Players can check if they have a Competitive Player Profile & Tennis ID or they can create a Competitve Player Profile & Tennis ID & UTR link by going to: https://www.tennis.com.au/competitiveplay/create-your-cpp.
Format: Open, Junior and Special events will be played using Knock-out formats. Seniors and Grade events will be played using Round-Robin formats.
Event times: Open events will be played on 18-21 July. 18/U & Special events will be played on 15-16 & 22-23 July. 16/U & 14/U events will be played on 22-23 & 29-30 July. Seniors events (60/O, 55/O, 50/O, 45/O, 40/O & 35/O) & Grade events (A, A Reserve, B & C Grades) will be played in pre-scheduled sessions on 15-16, 22-23 & 29-30 July (check the Information Lealet here for date & session times and for eligibility levels for Special & Grade events).
Entries: Entries for all events must be lodged on-line.
On-line entrants in the Round-Robin Grade events, not playing in UQ Tennis Club programs and not having a verifief UTR, must supply information about their standard (e.g. Fixtures Competition, Team & Grade) as Additional Information.
Entries can be lodged on-line here. To enter on-line, players have to log in to their Competitive Player Profile. Entries close on Wednesay, 5 July.
Players wanting to enter more than 4 events or more than 2 singles events, should enter the maximum events allowed on-line and then contact tournaments@uqtc.org.au for the procedure on how to enter extra events. Players entering multiple Seniors and Grade events must ensure they are not entering events with the same pre-scheduled initial round-robin session time.
N.B. The old tournament log-ins and Player Ids (starting withh '61') no longer work. However, some players have had problems entering using the new Competitive Player Profile log-in and some can log in but can't enter anything because they get an error message about not having an active membership (which actually has nothing to do with membership). If you encounter a problem, contact Tennis Australia via play@tennis.com.au or 1800 752 983 .