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2025 Summer Night Series Tournaments

The UQ Tennis Club's 2025 Tournament Program continues with the Summer Night Series Doubles Tournament (Saturday night, 1 February, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.) and the Summer Night Series Mixed Doubles Tournament (Saturday night, 15 February, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.).

Entries for the Mixed Doubles Tournament are scheduled to close on 13 February but may have to be closed early as entries have to be restricted to fit the number of courts available for night play. 

Entries for the Doubles Tournament have already closed as entries have reached the maximum that can be accommodated.

These are all participation-style tournaments which use Round-Robin formats to keep everybody playing.

Events are offered at 4 levels to cater for players of all standards:

  • Open: Top level
  • A Grade: Equiv. to or lower than UTR 7.50 (men) or UTR 6.50 (women) [approx. UQTC Fixtures A2, UQTC Social low Red]
  • B Grade: Equiv. to or lower than UTR 6.50 (men) or UTR 5.50 (women) [approx. UQTC Fixtures B1, UQTC Social Yellow)
  • C Grade: Equiv. to or lower than UTR 4.50 (men) or UTR 3.50 (women) (approx. UQTC Fixtures C1, UQTC Social Green & Blue)

Entry is open to all players, but members receive a discount. 

Entry fees are $25 per player for members or $30 per player for non-members.

Each player must lodge an entry form.  Entries for doubles tournaments only accepted if a partner is nominated and that partner also lodges an entry.

Entries can be lodged on-line or checked via the Tennis Australia Tournaments Website (

The direct links are: 
Doubles Tournament
Mixed Doubles Tournament

For more information, check the Summer Night Series Tournaments INFO SHEET.

N.B. When players go to enter on-line, they are asked to create a Tournament account if they don't already have one.  To create a Tournament account, players will need their 11-digit Tennis Australia Tennis ID (11-digit number starting with '66').  Players can check if they have already a Tennis ID & Competitive Player Profile or they can create a Competitive Player Profile & Tennis ID & UTR link by going to

Anybody who has a problem logging in, or entering events once logged in, should contact Tennis Australia via or Ph 1800 752 983.