On Friday, 14 March, from 6 p.m., the UQ Tennis Club will be running some pro
Unfortunately, Tennis Practice has been postponed for at least a month.

UQTC Summer Tuesday Night Team Fixtures - 2023 Summer Season

Competition information
Competition name: 
UQTC Summer Tuesday Night Team Fixtures
Season name: 
2023 Season Summer
UQ Sport Tennis Centre
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Season dates: 
Sat, 14/01/2023 - Tue, 28/02/2023
Number of matches: 
7 (including play-offs for all teams)
Sets played each: 
1 Singles & 2 Doubles
Usual team composition: 
3 players (any gender)
Team (per match): 
2 players (any gender)
Entries close: 
2 years 6 weeks ago

All matches in the UQTC Summer Tuesday Night Team Fixtures will be played at the UQ Sport Tennis Centre.

The Sumnmer season will be a short season of 7 matches starting on 17 January and finishing on 28 February with Play-offs for all teams*.

All NEW Fixture members must be graded.  There will be no special grading sessions for Summer Fixtures.  New players can get graded at Social Tennis  on Thursday 5 January (7-8 p.m.) and Sunday 8 January (2-3 p.m.).

Entries for the UQTC Summer Team Fixtures close on Wednesday, 11 January.  

The membership and fixtures application form can be downloaded here, where entries can also be lodged on-line.

Check the 'Team Selection Policies' here or on the membership/fixtures application form.  Teams will not be formed with the bare minimum of palyers needed (unless there is a shortage of players of the appropriate standard).  Normally, Tuesday Pairs teams will consist of 3 players with 2 playing each week (i.e. each player should play 2 out of 3 weeks).

N.B. In addition to a Membership/Fixtures application form, players under 17 years of age must also complete a Junior Membership Declaration which can be downloaded here.

In the event of wet weather on 28 February, only the 1st v 2nd Playoffs (the Finals) will be played (tentatively on 7 March).

NOTE WELL: To play Fixtures, players must have a Tennis Australia Competitive Player Profile linked to Universal Tennis Ratings (UTR)* and a Tennis ID (11-digit number, starting ’66’).  To create a Competitive Player Profile (CPP) and link it to Universal Tennis Ratings, or check if you already have a CPP & Tennis ID, go to (https://www.tennis.com.au/competitiveplay/competitive-player-profile) and click on ‘Complete your Competitive Player Profile’ at the bottom of the screen which will then give you a number of options depending on whether you already have a Tennis ID or Universal Tennis Account or neither or don't know.         

