2025 Membership and First Semester Team Fixtures Application Form

Applicants who are under 17 years of age must also lodge the special Junior Membership Declaration which must be signed by a parent or guardian. The junior declaration can be downloaded here.

Please read this before completing the on-line application.

A printed version of the Membership & Fixtures Application Form can be downloaded here, but on-line entry preferred.

To play Fixtures and Tournaments, players must have a Tennis Australia Competitive Player Profile (CPP) linked to Universal Tennis Ratings (UTR), and aTennis ID (11-digit number starting with '66').  However, all players should set up their CPP & Tennis ID in case they decide to enter a competition and so they will have access to pre-sale tickets for Australian Open & Summer Series events and other special offers from Tennis Australia.

To create a CPP and link it to Universal Tennis Ratings, or check if you already have a CPP & Tennis ID, go to https://www.tennis.com.au/competitiveplay/competitive-player-profile and click on 'Complete your Competitive Player Profile' at the bottom of the screen which will then give a number of options depending on whether a player already has a Tennis ID Account or Universal Tennis Account or neither or doesn't know.

For information about UTRs, go to https://www.tennis.com.au/competitiveplay/utr-rating.


Your details
Phone numbers
Semester postal address
Vacation postal address
Only complete if different to semester address
Mandatory for Fixtures players. If known, Tennis Australia Tennis ID (11-digit number, starting '66'). To play Fixtures and Tournaments, players must have a Tennis Australia Competitive Player Profile linked to Universal Tennis Ratings and a Tennis Australia Tennis ID (see 'Tennis Standard' section below).
Club membership class criteria
Membership is open to everyone. This question helps us work out your class of membership. Club Membership Classes are Ordinary (UQ Community - UQ Student, UQ Alumni & UQ Staff), Associate and Junior. Applicants who do not complete this section will be classified as Associate Members. Associate Members do not have voting rights.
UQ Student
full-time or part-time, internal or external, undergraduate or postgraduate
e.g. BA, BEcon, BEd, BSc, BE(Hons), MSc, PhD, DipSc, GCBus, GDipMolBiol
Graduate of UQ
e.g. Bachelor of Science, 2003
Study Abroad Student or Exchange Student or Short-Term Study Student
Study Abroad and Exchange Students are enrolled at another institution and receive credit at that institution for studies completed at UQ.
Non-Award courses offered by UQ-affiliated organisations
UQ Staff
Club Membership Fee

Membership gives you cheaper rates for our programs. Membership also includes automatic free registration with Tennis Queensland. Players are covered by Tennis Queensland's Sports Injury Insurance.

Fixtures is teams-based competition where you play for the UQ Tennis Club.
Tennis standard
UTR Ratings by Universal Tennis have been adopted by Tennis Australia from 1 January 2022 (www.tennis.com.au/competiveplay/utr-rating). UTR’s 16-point ratings scale ranges from UTR 16.50 (top) to UTR 1.00 (absolute beginner). The majority of Fixture players fall in the range UTR 9 to UTR 4.
Most recent competitions.
Year & season, Competition, Team, Grade, Result
e.g. 2012 Season 2, UQTC Monday, UQ Storm, Div 1, Winners
2025 First Semester Team Fixtures
You must be a member of the UQ Tennis Club for 2025.
Fee covers all registration, court hire and ball costs for the season. This is a fixed fee per person irrespective of the number of players in the team and the number of matches played during the season.
'UQTC' - UQ Tennis Club - all matches at the UQ Sport Tennis Centre

Quotas apply for all competitions. Some competitions may fill up before the designated closing date for entries.
† Number of people who play in a match. There will be more people than this in the team. A roster will apply.
# Number of people usually allocated to a team. See ‘Team Selection Policies’ (opens in new window).

Don't know which division to choose? All new members must come to a Grading Session. At the Grading Session we will work out which division to put you in. Details on when the Grading Sessions are held will be displayed on the the next page. 

% of matches
Please list the other members of your team. Note that requests cannot always be granted and are only considered if the other player has lodged an entry & fees and also asked to play with you. If you don't have a team we will place you in a team.
If you can't be placed in your first choice competition, your instructions here will be followed without contacting you again to re-check. If the season fee for your alternative competition is higher than the for your first preference, you will be required to pay the balance (if lower, a refund will apply).
List alternate competition(s) in order of preference.


If this application is accepted, I agree to be bound by the rules & regulations of The University of Queensland Tennis Club Inc. (Club), UQ Sport Ltd (including the UQ Sport Affiliated Club Participant Waiver), Tennis Queensland (TQ) & Tennis Australia (TA) and, if applicable, the Brisbane Night Tennis Association Inc. (BNTA). In particular, I understand the Team Selection Policies and agree to be bound by the decisions of the relevant grading committees with respect to grades, team composition and home court allocations and to act as team captain if appointed. I accept the conditions that the Season Fixture Fee is a fixed fee per person irrespective of the number of players in the team and the number of matchers played during the season and that I am not entitled to any refund of fees from this Club once I have been registered in a team. I understand that the information about how the Club uses and stores my personal details is available in the Club's Privacy Policy which can be viewed at https://www.uqtc.org.au/privacy-policy and that, in accordance with this policy, my personal details may be supplied to UQ Sport Ltd, BNTA, TQ & TA and my e-mail or postal address may be used by the Club, UQ Sport Ltd, BNTA, TQ & TA to provide me with information about Tennis and sport related matters and the Club's sponsors. I also agree that my phone contact details may be listed in Draws published on the Internet and posted on Club notice boards if I am appointed team captain and that, unless I provide written instructions to the contrary this season, my name and contact phone numbers may be provided on the Teams Lists supplied to other Club members. I also agree to allow the Club to have photographs, motion pictures and videotapes taken of me during social and tennis activities at the Club and assign to the Club the right in perpetuity to use such material an any way without any remuneration (including, but not limited to, publishing in newsletters and on websites and social media). If applying to play Fixtures, I understand that I am making a commitment for an entire season.


If this application is accepted, I agree to be bound by the rules & regulations of The University of Queensland Tennis Club Inc. (Club), UQ Sport Ltd (including the UQ Sport Affiliated Club Participant Waiver), Tennis Queensland (TQ) & Tennis Australia (TA) and, if applicable, the Brisbane Night Tennis Association Inc. (BNTA). I understand that the information about how the Club uses and stores my personal details is available in the Club's Privacy Policy which can be viewed at https://www.uqtc.org.au/privacy-policy and that, in accordance with this policy, my personal details may be supplied to UQ Sport Ltd, BNTA, TQ & TA and my e-mail or postal address may be used by the Club, UQ Sport Ltd, BNTA, TQ & TA to provide me with information about Tennis and sport related matters and the Club's sponsors. I also agree to allow the Club to have photographs, motion pictures and videotapes taken of me during social and tennis activities at the Club and assign to the Club the right in perpetuity to use such material an any way without any remuneration (including, but not limited to, publishing in newsletters and on websites and social media).

UQ Sport Participant Waiver

This Agreement is between:
UQ Sport Limited ACN 135 537 183 of Building 25, Union Road, St Lucia QLD 4067 ("UQ Sport Ltd")
The University of Queensland Tennis Club Inc. ABN 59 637 930 769, of Building 28, Blair Drive, St Lucia, QLD 4067 ("UQ Tennis Club")
Me ("Participant")

In consideration for UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and the UQ Tennis Club permitting the Participant to take part in activitiesorganised by UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and/or the UQ Tennis Club (the “Activities”), or to use facilities and equipment owned oroperated by UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and/or the UQ Tennis Club, the Participant agrees with UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and the UQ Tennis Club as set out below.

  1. The Participant acknowledges that the Activities comprise a sporting activity or leisure time pursuit undertaken for the purpose of recreation, enjoyment or leisure and that the Activities may involve physical exertion and physical risk and could result in the Participant’s (or another party’s) death, physical injury, mental injury or other impairment or the exacerbation of an existing condition.
  2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Participant voluntarily agrees to take part in the Activities at the Participant’s risk.
  3. The Participant understands that the Participant may at any time refuse to take part in an Activity.
  4. The Participant warrants to UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and the UQ Tennis Club that the Participant has informed UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and the UQ Tennis Club in writing of the existence of any medical condition or impairment that may affect theParticipant’s ability to safely take part in the Activities. The Participant must inform UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and the UQ Tennis Club in writing if any such medical condition develops during the term of this Agreemen
  5. The Participant acknowledges and agrees that neither UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland, the UQ Tennis Club or their employees,agents or contractors will be responsible for (and the Participant forever releases UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and the UQ Tennis Club from, holds them harmless and waives all rights in respect of) any loss or damage caused to the Participant or any other party inconnection with the Activities in the nature of:
    1. death or physical or mental injury;
    2. the contraction, aggravation or acceleration of a disease; or
    3. the coming into existence, aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of any other condition, circumstance, occurrence, activity, form ofbehaviour, course of conduct or state of affairs that may be harmful to the Participant or the community or may result in harm ordisadvantage to the Participant or the community,
    except where that loss or damage is significant personal injury that is caused by the reckless conduct of UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland or the UQ Tennis Club.
  1. For the avoidance of doubt, UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and/or the UQ Tennis Club and their employees, agents andcontractors will not be liable for any loss or damage of a kind described in clauses 5(a) to (c) above which is caused by their negligent conduct,unless that conduct is also reckless conduc
  2. For the purposes of this Agreement, conduct of a party is “reckless conduct” if the party is aware, or should reasonably have been aware, of asignificant risk that the conduct could result in personal injury to another person and the party engages in the conduct despite the risk andwithout adequate justification.
  3. Where UQ Sport Ltd , The University of Queensland or the UQ Tennis Club provides equipment for the use of the Participant or others takingpart in the Activities, the Participant agrees that neither UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland or the UQ Tennis Club will be liable to theParticipant for any loss or damage caused by the use or misuse of that equipment, except where UQ Sport, The University of Queensland or theClub is in breach of a statutory guarantee granted to the Participant under Part 3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law (Schedule 2 to theCompetition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) or the liability cannot otherwise be excluded or limited by law.
  4. The Participant indemnifies UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland and the UQ Tennis Club and agrees to keep them indemnified inrespect of any loss or damage suffered or incurred by either or both of them as a result of the Participant taking part in the Activities, except tothe extent that UQ Sport Ltd, The University of Queensland or the UQ Tennis Club (or all of them) are liable for that loss or damage under thisAgreemen
  5. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to exclude or limit the Participant’s rights under any law that cannot be excluded or limited and thisAgreement is to be read and construed accordingly.