2025 Membership and First Semester Team Fixtures Application Form
Applicants who are under 17 years of age must also lodge the special Junior Membership Declaration which must be signed by a parent or guardian. The junior declaration can be downloaded here.
Please read this before completing the on-line application.
A printed version of the Membership & Fixtures Application Form can be downloaded here, but on-line entry preferred.
To play Fixtures and Tournaments, players must have a Tennis Australia Competitive Player Profile (CPP) linked to Universal Tennis Ratings (UTR), and aTennis ID (11-digit number starting with '66'). However, all players should set up their CPP & Tennis ID in case they decide to enter a competition and so they will have access to pre-sale tickets for Australian Open & Summer Series events and other special offers from Tennis Australia.
To create a CPP and link it to Universal Tennis Ratings, or check if you already have a CPP & Tennis ID, go to https://www.tennis.com.au/competitiveplay/competitive-player-profile and click on 'Complete your Competitive Player Profile' at the bottom of the screen which will then give a number of options depending on whether a player already has a Tennis ID Account or Universal Tennis Account or neither or doesn't know.
For information about UTRs, go to https://www.tennis.com.au/competitiveplay/utr-rating.